This week’s question comes from Candice, who is bringing in customers for her side gig, but scaring some away who want expect to pay more money than she is currently charging. The question reads:
“I’ve been living a dual business life of working as a physical therapist for a small clinic and doing boot camp styled group personal training. Being bad at personal finances and taking on a large debt load in the process of learning better habits is what lead me to sacrifice time and money to get the personal training certification. I love my job and the support my co-workers have given me, and my schedule is filling up for my boot camps. My problem is the clients I seem to miss out on because of my pricing. I priced my services based on what seemed like sensible prices for services, knowing that some personal trainers charge people outrageous amounts of money and can’t deliver good results. But people are balking at some of my sales pitches because they expect outrageous prices. Do I need to raise my prices? I don’t want to scare away the clients I already have.”
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