Lead Like Your Authority Should Not Be In Question (TMBW 175)
Show your security to be in charge without being overbearing and cruel. You will find your authority questioned less when those under it are given little reason to doubt it.
Show your security to be in charge without being overbearing and cruel. You will find your authority questioned less when those under it are given little reason to doubt it.
This is another reminder to be slow to hire and quick to fire, as the wrong employee can quickly take down your organization and force you to put way to much work into restating basic protocols and operating procedures.
This episode will examine the good and the bad in following a quote about business and success from Oprah Winfrey.
Watch how your employees act after they had met with you and compare to how eager they seemed before the formal interview process began.
The hype can easily be justified, assuming you go home and put in work and integrate the idea from your motivation party.
Business sense is a combination of the senses working together, not just a preference over one.
Advice for overachievers frustrated with those around who can’t keep up.
You created the contract to lock in your employee to your will. But those same employees are probably working for you ‘at will.’
There is a time to invest, a time to splurge, and a time to save from the returns from your business. Know when the time is right, and don’t let other ‘entrepreneurs’ try to shame you into not putting money away into savings.
It’s time to declutter your business. Whether it’s a bloated menu, overflow of inventory, or just too many services you are willing to offer, if it does not bring you ‘joy’ (or significant profit), you should stop offering it.